Mack Michaels - An Introduction

Mack Michaels is the millionaire founder of Maverick Money Makers Club, an elite club that trains its club members to become rich using the power of the Internet as affiliate marketers. The members are taught to create long-term businesses or generate quick money on the Internet. I am lucky to be learning from Mack Michaels and even though I'm new to the club, I'm on my way to becoming a millionaire. I powerfully believe in this vision. However, this article is not about me but it records the path of Mack Michaels through his period of struggle to how he became successful.

Here's a review for Maverick Money Makers club where I outline how I used its quick money blueprint technique to generate money fast.

Mack Michaels' Struggle
Mack Michaels worked hard, worked very hard for the money just like millions of us all over the world. Hard work didn't produce desired results. Mack Michaels was struggling and existing hand to mouth. He always wanted the "American Dream" but none of his jobs provided him with the satisfaction and the financial freedom he craved. He never got anywhere near making enough money and living the life he always craved for. His family's financial future was anything but secure.

His bank balance was always close to zero with bills and credit card debt piling up. He hated his jobs (he had more than one job at the time to make ends meet), his bosses, the bills, the credit card debts and most of all he hated the fact that he couldn't provide well for his family. (Sub: He was not able to provide his  family with the life they deserved)

Just when Mack Michaels thought, it couldn't get worse. It did. On a gloomy December 7th (his birthday), he got laid off from the only job he had at that point. His birthday, Christmas and the new year were ruined. He couldn't afford presents for the family and was really stressed on how he would put a roof over their heads and food on their table.

He knew he had to do something fast before they ended up homeless and on the streets. This time he thought long and hard before making any move to get yet another job. He needed money urgently and he needed another way that would free him from the shackles of a corporation and big fat bosses. He got his clarity and vision by asking a simple question: "What is it I really want, and more importantly, what is it I don't want in a job?"

Mack Michaels Created A Vision
Out of his asking that simple question, Mack Michaels came up with a list of what he wanted and what he did not want.

List Of Don't Wants
  1. Not to have a boss to boss him around.
  2. Not to be on anyone else's time clock or at the mercy of an annoying alarm clock.
  3. Not to waste time in traffic commuting to work.           
  4. Not to spend more time away from home and family.
  5. Not to be stressed about expenses.
  6. Not to make somebody else rich and waste his life working to make someone else wealthy.
This list of what he didn't want created clarity which brought forth his next list of what Mack Michaels wanted.

List Of Wants
  1. To work from home or from anywhere he wanted.          
  2. To have a job that gave him as much free time as he wanted.
  3. To be close to his family and spend more time with them.
  4. To have an income that would give his family more than enough.
  5. To have the freedom of being able to travel whenever he wanted.
  6. To do something he truly enjoyed and was easy to do.
  7. To work only for a few hours a day.
  8. To make money even when he was not working. An automated passive income.
  9. To start making money immediately.

Mack Michaels Realized Vision Was Not Enough
He quickly realized that just having this vision of what he wanted and what he did not want was not enough. The people he showed his list to laughed and mocked but that made Mack Michaels more determined to find a way. This led to him visiting various forums online and he bought many products that promised him riches only to discover soon that he'd been taken for a ride and he had maxed out his credit cards. By now, he was back to holding 3 jobs that were laborious and stressful and he was neck deep down in debt to a tune of $23,769. This all happened within 6 months of his creating the vision and his list. He was dejected and didn't know what to do next because buying every new shining object that promised unlimited riches did not work at all. Mack Michaels came up with another list (he loves lists, doesn't he?) of what was working against him in his quest for wealth.

  1. He didn't know how to create a product.
  2. He didn't know how to set up a website.
  3. He didn't know how to set up a payment system.
  4. He didn't know HTML or coding or even upload files to a server.
  5. He didn't know anything about an autoresponder.
  6. He didn't know "pay per click" or PPC advertising.
  7. He didn't know how to set up an affiliate program.
  8. He didn't know anything about web stats.
  9. He didn't know how to run a business and had zero experience with advertising or making money from home.

Power Of Networking - Mack Michaels Takes The Step To Network With Others

The next step he took was something most of us never do. He quit buying products and started to network to get to know the people who were successful and knew what he didn't know.

After months of networking, he met Matt - a programming God of sorts. Mack and Matt got along and started working on Mack Michael's plans of automating systems and making money together. They harnessed each other's strengths and the systems and programs they built started making them money. A lot of money. Within 3 months, he was able to quit all 3 of the jobs he was working at the time and paid off all his debts. His life completely turned around in less than 6 months, he now had an easy job working from home for less than 4 hours a day yet making much more money than the salaries of the three jobs combined.

This gave birth to the exclusive club, Millionaire Money Makers where Mack Michaels personally along with his team members mentor folks from all over the world looking to have the same income and financial freedom that Mack enjoys. 

Check out Maverick Money Makers - The Same System That Made Mack Michaels A Millionaire